Join the Friends of Bruce Castle
- The Friends aim to help Bruce Castle Museum maintain and develop its services for a diverse community
- We help raise funds to provide weekly family activities and summer activities for children
- We lobby the Council on matters relating to the Museum
- We help with exhibitions and at events
- We support the monthly talks programme at the Museum
- We help the Museum wherever and whenever we’re needed
- We also enjoy days out together to other museums in London and further afield
- We publish a quarterly Newsletter
- Here's what Bruce Castle Museum says about us:
- Please join us. Here are our membership and Standing Order forms:
A) In Word DOC format - Membership form in Word doc format and Standing Order form in Word doc format
B) In PDF format - Membership form in PDF format and Standing Order form in PDF format
Download whichever format you prefer, print, and send to us with your payment by cheque or Standing Order (or cash if coming to one of our meetings).